Heart Health

Why Is a Good Exercise Routine So Important for Seniors?

Seniors who follow a good exercise routine typically enjoy longer, healthier, and happier lives. If you are presently looking after aging in place elderly loved one, here are some specific reasons why encouraging them to exercise regularly is so important.

Why Is a Good Exercise Routine So Important for Seniors?2024-03-20T20:44:49+00:00

Preparing Home For Your Loved One , Post-Stroke

When your loved one has survived a stroke, they are working hard to adjust to their 'new normal'. While they may be eager to get home from the hospital, some crucial adjustments need to be made to their home in order to keep them safe and mobile. 

Preparing Home For Your Loved One , Post-Stroke2024-02-09T19:34:47+00:00

Hope For Stroke and Brain Injury Suffers

When someone suffers a stroke or a traumatic brain injury, their lives change in an instant. While some brain function may return through healing and rehabilitation, many sufferers plateau, and never return to their former selves.

Hope For Stroke and Brain Injury Suffers2024-02-09T20:52:48+00:00
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